En 1982 Jon Ericson se lanzó a documentar The Piers [los muelles]. Buscaba retratar un mundo que creían cercano a la existinción (las bodegas abandonadas a un lado del Hudson) y este lugar, que había sufrido un incendio poco tiempo antes, era una ventana perfecta al futuro. Hay que recordar que Homage to the Pier son de un tiempo anterior al SIDA y como tales evocan la nostalgia de un pasado perdido o, incluso más dramático, a punto de desaparecer.
It was 1982 when Jon Ericson set himself to document The Piers, trying to capture the last breath of a place he believed close to extinction, the Hudson River piers—and a long-lasting cruising place. This specific wearhouse was abandoned due to a fire. And it worked as the perfect mirror of a future expanded state. Homage to the Piers is a pre-AIDS set of photographs and, as such, it brings memories of a never-lived past, or even worse, the last moments of a dying future.
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